Thursday, September 11, 2008


Xiushen is made up of ''xiu'' meaning to correct or better and ''shen'' body, Xiushen is a term encompassing all of the correct value, the proper conducts for a Taoist adherent to adopt as a way of life and particularly to complement the practice of Xiuzhen. It can be equated as the portion of the Tao Te Ching. The concept has been subsequently elaborated by Confucius in Lichi .

Glossary on Xiushen

Gongde 功德

To accrue deeds or Gong and live by De, deeds are acts of righteousness, charity and goodness in ''Shanxing'' to the world and fellow humanity, De in this application includes all virtues and conduct. Gongde is part of the merit grading in the Tianlun for an adherent.

Three Roles 三綱

The Three Roles ''Sangang'' means a king must be the role-model for his minister, a father be a role-model for his son and a Husband be a role-model for his Wife as in 君為臣綱,父為子綱,夫為妻綱. The common adage associates the ''Three Roles with Five Humanities'' as in 三綱五常.

Five Humanities 五常

The Five Humanities ''Wuchang'' refers to Benevolence , Honour , Courtesy , Wisdom and Trust .

Five Tenets 五倫

The Five Tenets ''Wulun'' establish the five fundamental relations and kinships for all man, starting with one between a king and his minister based on honour , respect by a son to his father and his son, tolerance between a husband and his wife, tolerance among sibling, and finally trust between friends. These tenets are the benchmark conduct as in君臣有義、父子有親、夫婦有別、長幼有序、朋友有信. The Five Tenets are usually coupled with Eight De as in the ''Five Tenets and Eight De'' 五倫八德.

Eight De 八德

Eight De are Filial Piety , Sibling Piety , Loyalty , Trust , Courtesy , Honour , Integrity and Humility . Taoists value all De but one should always start with filial piety, as in the adage ''The Hundred conduct starts with Filial Piety'' . Filial Piety can be further classed as ''high, median and normal'' grading various acts of piety, and it is the principial De that led to the psyche of Chinese culture in Ancestor veneration.

Nine Virtue 九美

The Nine Virtue ''Jiumei'' are Loyalty , Filial Piety , Integrity , Thrift , Benevolence , Honour , Courtesy , Wisdom , Righteousness and Trust . These virtues are commonly spoken as the ''Nine Virtue and Eight De'' 九美八德, as fundamental to Xiushen.

Text Reference

From Lichi : 「修身齊家治國平天下」典出於《禮記》的《大學》篇,原文是:「古之欲明明德於天下者,先治其國。欲治其國者,先齊其家。欲齊其家者,先修其身。欲修其身者,先正其心。」

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